Introducing Ourselves

The Professional Outfitters and Guides of America (POGA) is an organization born from the teamwork of United States outfitting Associations. POGA member states work collaboratively and in concert to maintain and enhance hunting, fishing and recreational services provided to the public, in the continental US. Members believe in and uphold the North American Model of wildlife management. Nationally and internationally, we partner with groups and organizations promoting wildlife management and guiding services.

Our Members

  • COA


  • Chair-Sy Gilliland of Montana

    Vice Chair-Jennifer Burbey of Colorado

    Secretary- Kerrie Romero of New Mexico

  • Held annually in July. The location is hosted by Members and Affiliates. Even years are hosted in CAnanda. Odd years are hosted by US members.

  • We offer decades of experience. Shared goals and the tools to get the job done. Our voices and outreach can be focused to help members or in chorus to work on national as well as international issuesfacing the OUtiftting i

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